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Your submission was successful.

We'll assess the information you provided and see if a refinance is a good fit for you - as well as which bank or lender will be able to give you the best deal.

We'll be in touch shortly - in the meantime, here are the top 4 commonly asked questions we get from people who have submitted a Refinance Assessment form:

Frequently Asked Questions

How many lenders are available to refinance with?

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Most banks and lending institutions in Canada will refinance your mortgage, provided you meet their eligibility criteria. However, interest rates and terms can differ significantly. We will advise you as to which is the better fit for you, based on the information you provided in your assessment.

We, ourselves, are part of the Dominion Lending Centres mortgage group - the #1 originators of mortgages in Canada now (more than any of the big banks). Dominion Lending Centres are Mortgage Brokers - that is we work with over 35+ different lenders (Including Canadian banks) to find the best lender and best mortgage product for you.

We pride ourselves on delivering unbiased, objective, and expert mortgage guidance, only recommending refinancing if it's truly in your best interest.

It's crucial to consult with a Mortgage Professional before making any mortgage-related decisions, just as you would seek advice from a tax accountant before making tax decisions. A Mortgage Professional's role is to serve your needs by finding the best mortgage and providing the essential advice and answers you require.

I have already spoken to my bank - what now?

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Our refinance assessment is often completed by people who have spoken to their bank. However, that does not prevent you from taking advantage of our professional advice and guidance. We will work with the best lender for your situation to get your mortgage done and with the best deal.

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In fact, we have helped people who were initially rejected by one of the banks, only to be accepted for a refinance through us! This is because we can structure your application better and have strong relationships with the banks - so we know the best way to get your refinance done.

How long does it take to refinance?

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Refinancing is much easier than the home purchasing process. However, that does not mean it is instantaneous.

Assuming everything goes smoothly, it should take around 3-4 weeks to arrange a refinance and get the funds. They can be done quicker, on exception, but I would expect at least this amount of time. If you need yours done faster, please let us know.

When can I expect to hear from you?

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You should get a response to your refinance assessment within 1 business day. If it has been more than 1 business day and you haven't heard from someone, please let us know.